Thursday, July 30, 2009

positive thoughts for July and my birthday 2009

Yesterday on the way home from the airport Vic and I stopped at the Town and Country farmers market . I just loved seeing all the beautiful fresh organic produce. I bought some wheatgrass green drinks and signed up for a bodytalk healing session. This turned out to be a very interesting process where I tried to relax and let my body talk to the practitioner. Heal any problems that might be blocking my best life . I am going back in two weeks and will have more to say in future posts.
I am hoping to get back on my healthy eating track now that my birthday is over and all our wonderful guests have gone home. I will be doing affirmations and get back with you soon.
Big love to all, may peace and joy find there way into your heart.

Friday, June 26, 2009

a beautiful day in June

Our weather in phoenix this June has been unseasonably mild and we have enjoyed drinking ice tea out on our patio all month.
I have been transferred to another store this week and I am very glad to announce that I feel more relaxed and comfortable in my new working environment.
I am always open to incorporating healthy eating ideas into my lifestyle. Recently I've discovered green smoothies as a great summer pick me up.They are an easy way to get lots of antioxidants into my diet and keep my body more alkaline.
Here is my recipe:
any combination of
Kale, spinach, parsley
1- banana
1- wedge of watermelon
I fill my blender with lots of greens then the banana and a few cubs of watermelon to sweeten. Then add water and blend. Amazingly this drink tastes great and is very filling .
Have a great day full of energy and happiness .
Let peace of mind abound in your life .

Saturday, May 2, 2009

my working out

I joined LA Fitness a fitness center near our home at the first of the year to help me get into better shape and build up my energy and stamina. At first i tried to go after work but i lost interest and the club was very crowded at that time making it hard to get on to the equipment I wanted to use. I still wanted to keep my membership and use it but i just never made it over there. Then on the first of April I made a decision to get up a half hour earlier in the morning and go work out before work.Now I go several times a week and I feel much better and I have more energy. I have lost a little weight and have added more resistance and speed to my workout .

This is my one month workout anniversary. I am very pleased with my progression and plan to keep going. I also plan to make more possitive changes to improve my life.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

two salads

These are two of my all time favorite salads:
I make these all the time .they are fast and easy to make
Greek salad:
sliced tomatoes,red onion,cucumber, green bell peppers,kalamata olives and feta cheese
dressing:2/3 olive oil 1/3 lemon juice season salt and oregano to taste
spring mix and fruit:
spring organic mixed lettuce , sliced strawberries and oranges ,cranraisins, kalamata olives and feta cheese, walnuts
dressing: equal parts olive oil,orange juice,rice vinegar
Bon appetite

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year Some New Lessons for 2009

Life is so amazing and unpredictable!!! Could anyone have believed we would be inaugurating Barack Obama president tomorrow and the Arizona Cardinals would be going to the super bowl.
This year I am starting the year off so right I am really excited. I am welcoming in January this year as employee of the month in a beautiful store surrounded with great people to work with. I joined LA fitness at a very low rate and have a long term plan for fitness and weight loss that is practical and sustainable. I am now full time at work and for the first time in a long time I feel safe financially. Last year I started taking my thyroid medicine again and taking vitamins regularly. I set up a savings account and a regular deduction from my pay check.Now I have a lot more energy and I have not been sick this year, it also feels great to have a little nest egg set aside in case on emergencies. Making some small decisions to improve my life last year have paid off for me and I have added a few new ones already this year that I am looking forward to pursing and enjoying.Life is going good for me now thanks to some easy simple and smart decisions. Happy New Year everyone.